Metal Music Cassettes

Shopping For Metal Cassette Tapes to Add to Your Collection

If you're ready to crank up the volume and blast some metal music, you'll be able to do that with the help of some of your favorite musicians and a cassette player. Some may deem the practice of using cassettes as u001aold school,u001a but there's nothing quite like it, especially when you're listening to music you love. You'll spot many excellent Metal cassette tapes on eBay, so keep reading to learn more about how you can find the music that you've been searching for to play at home, in the car, and anywhere else you'll want to channel your inner musician.

What sub-genres of Metal music can you buy?

There are several different sub-genres of Metal music that you can find in cassette tape form, so you'll be able to decide between sticking with your preferred sub-genres or giving new ones a try. Some genres may include:

  • Glam/Hair Metal
  • Death Metal
  • Heavy Metal
  • Thrash Metal
  • Folk Metal
Can you buy Metal cassette tapes in bulk?

It is possible to get more than one Metal cassette tape in a single purchase, but how many you get depends on the specific purchase you make. In some instances, you might receive two Metal cassette tapes. In others, you might get dozens or even hundreds if someone is parting with a collection. Some cassettes in a single order may be by the same artist while others might include one or more cassettes from other artists, so carefully reviewing the description can help you determine what exactly you're getting.

Who are some of the artists you can find?

There is an incredible selection of artists that you can find on cassette tape, some of whom might be your favorites while others could be new discoveries. You may even desire to try and buy back the same type of cherished Metal cassette tapes that you parted with years ago. Some Metal artists you may find on eBay are:

  • Metallica
  • Korn
  • Iron Maiden
  • Pantera
  • Slayer
  • Black Sabbath
Do all of the cassette tapes come with cases?

Many, but not all, Metal cassette tapes are going to come with cases. If they do come with them, the condition of the cases may vary. In a bulk purchase, not all of the tape cases might be included. The description will typically indicate which cases are included and which aren't. If there are no cases included but you're looking for a way to protect your tapes, it is possible to purchase empty storage cases.