Sony PlayStation 3 Consoles


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How to Choose a Game Console

Millions of people around the world turn to their gaming consoles, like the PlayStation 3, when they want some entertainment. Having the right one can make you look forward to a quiet evening.

What Features Should I Look for in a Game Console?

  • The extensive game library stands out as a key determinant for consumers when selecting a gaming console like the PlayStation 3. Notably, the Sony PlayStation 3 boasts a vast array of exclusive titles such as Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted 2, and MotorStorm. The PS3 console's robust support extends to popular multi-platform franchises like Call of Duty and Grand Theft Auto.
  • Beyond gaming, modern consoles serve as comprehensive home entertainment hubs. Many console models offer DVD and Blu-Ray playback capabilities and access to various online music and video streaming services via Wi-Fi connectivity. Even for non-gamers, consoles like the PS3 Slim emerge as central components in audio and video entertainment setups.
  • Performance becomes paramount for experiencing games at their fullest potential, including optimal frame rates. Factors such as processing power, graphics capabilities, and storage capacity should be carefully evaluated, as these aspects can vary among different console models. Understanding a console's supported display resolutions is also essential; opting for a model capable of outputting 1080p video ensures a high-definition gaming experience on compatible TVs.

Which Peripherals and Accessories Do I Need?

A console isn't a stand-alone machine but part of a gaming system. After you find a great PlayStation 3 for sale on eBay, you will need to get some compatible accessories.

  • Controllers are the primary way you can play games and control your console. Dual-stick designs like Sony's Dualshock controller can be used to play most games, and there are many models to choose from. You can also find more specialized peripherals like the PlayStation 3 Move controller, steering wheels, and fightsticks.
  • HDMI cables are used to connect your console to your television. You can also use an AV cable if necessary. USB cables recharge most controller models and plug into some accessories, so you will need at least one for each controller you buy.
  • Not everyone needs a headset, but the combination of a microphone and headphones is great for coordinating with your teammates in online multiplayer video games. Headphones are also fabulous for late-night game sessions that won't wake your family. Many headset models can be paired with the system using Bluetooth for seamless connectivity.

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