Other Tickets & Experiences

Other Tickets and Experiences

Other tickets and experiences typically don't include concerts and sports games. Instead, they offer tickets for people to various special shows and festivals that occur around America. These are commonly fan conventions where you might be able to meet various celebrities. The schedule of things to do will vary for each experience.

What are some shows and festivals that are available?

Some of the common shows, conventions, and festivals that have tickets or season passes available for sale at any hour include:

  • New York Comic Con
  • Star Trek Convention
  • Mega Con
  • Pokemon Go Fest
  • Fashion Show
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain
  • San Diego Comic Con
Are there age limits to shows?

Some attractions, shows and experiences have age limits of 18 and 21. You will be asked to show ID at the door, even if you have a pass for the event. Other experiences are open to children and adults, which is an opportunity to take the whole family. You will want to check out the details prior to getting tickets to confirm age requirements to ensure that everyone in your party is able to attend.

Where are the events held?

Experiences might be held in a variety of different locations across the United States. Many conventions are in major cities such as New York, Chicago, Miami, and Los Angeles. There are quite a few venues for special shows and experiences to be held in:

  • Stadiums
  • Arenas
  • Convention centers
  • Parks
  • Hotel ballrooms
How do you buy special event tickets?

Whether you want to go see the cast of Star Trek at ComicCon or you want to enjoy a special show in NYC, it's important to find the right experience and get the needed passes. There are a few tips to help you.

  • Show: Choose the type of experience you want to attend.
  • Venue: Review the venue as many cons take place in multiple cities.
  • Date: Choose the date you want to attend as some cons span multiple days or weekends.
  • Tickets: Determine how many passes you need.
What format are the tickets in?

You will find that passes to special shows or a season ticket may be available in all sorts of different formats. You need to review how the tickets are given so you can be prepared to attend an experience.

  • Will-call: Paper tickets may be waiting for you at the will-call booth at a venue.
  • Paper tickets: Paper tickets might be required for entry and will be mailed to you or emailed for you to print at home.
  • Electronic: Electronic tickets can be pushed to your mobile device or emailed so they can be scanned at the location.