Policy overview
Listings of permitted weapons must comply with the Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act, or Republic Act No. 10591, which regulates the ownership, possession, carrying, manufacture, dealing in and importation of firearms and ammunition or parts thereof in the Philippines, and imposes registration and licensing requirements for such activities, as well as Presidential Decree 1866 (Codifying the Laws on Illegal / Unlawful Possession, Manufacture, Dealing in, Acquisition or Disposition of Firearms, Ammunitions or Explosives), which regulates the manufacture, dealing in and possession of explosives.
In addition, listings must follow our guidelines as well as meet the following conditions:
- The seller is located in the Philippines;
- The buyer is located in the Philippines;
- The item is also located in the Philippines;
- Both the seller and buyer are licensed to purchase and possess the permitted item (if necessary under local laws); and
- The seller offers only domestic shipping for the item, since international shipping would make the item available in countries where it might be prohibited.
Activity on eBay is required to follow this policy, the eBay User Agreement and all applicable laws, as well as respect the rights of third parties. If it doesn’t, eBay may take action consistent with applicable laws and the eBay User Agreement, and may even be legally required to do so. Such actions may include, as an example only: Removing the listing or other content, issuing a warning, restricting activity or account suspension.
What are the guidelines?
Live ammunition and ammunition components can't be listed.
- Snap caps
- Reloading equipment, including items such as dies and moulds
- Brass casings and reloading tools
- Empty ammunition boxes. The listing needs to say that the item doesn't contain ammunition
Not allowed
- Blank, dummy, live or inert ammunition or ammunition components
- Bullets
- Cartridges
- Casings
- Gunpowder
- Hulls
- Primer
- Shells
- Magazines
- Ammunition with propellant (such as gunpowder) or blank ammunition
BB guns, projectile gun, long gun type air gun or pistol type air gun
Not allowed
- Air rifles, air guns or air pistols
- Airsoft rifles or Airsoft guns
- Any frame or receiver for a BB gun or air rifle
- BB guns
- Pellet guns
- Black powder guns
- Muzzle-loader guns
- Replica, "look-alike" or imitation firearms
Explosives, grenades and military items
Not allowed
- Weapons, equipment or supplies issued to and formerly used by the Philippines Armed Forces, whether or not these have been disposed of or "demilitarised"
- Ordnance, military weaponry (such as grenades and landmines), ammunition and related parts, and most military vehicles including aircraft and ships, even if it has been made 'unserviceable' or has been 'de-militarised' or 'de-milled'
- Articles or services specifically designed, developed, configured, adapted or modified for a military application
- Night vision goggles, body armour, technical data manuals, gas masks and protective clothing which have significant military or intelligence applicability
- Atom or nuclear weapons
- Explosives or explosive devices
- Incendiary devices
- Flamethrowers
- Missiles, rockets or launchers
- Grenades, including but not limited to metal military practice grenades, metal replica hand grenades, rifle grenades, dummy grenades, hand grenades, grenade launcher attachments
- Mines
- Pillbox bomb
- Molotov cocktail bomb
- Fire bomb
- Any part, ingredient, machinery, tool or instrument of any explosive or incendiary device, whether chemical, mechanical, electronic, electrical or otherwise,
- Chlorates, nitrates, nitric acid and such other chemicals and accessories that can be used for the manufacture of explosives and explosive ingredients.
Actual firearms can't be listed on eBay. Some accessories for firearms are okay to sell, but only under certain conditions. See the list below for more details.
- Calibre conversion information or blueprints
- Magazine holders
- Bulletproof vests / flak jackets
- Accessories for guns such as butt plates, cleaning supplies, holsters, pistol grips, racks, scopes, slings, stocks, storage cases or trigger guards. The listing must include a description of the type of firearm the accessory or part is used for. If it doesn't, the listing may be removed
Not allowed
- Firearms regardless of their ability to fire, how old they are, or their status as collectable, antique or sport and hunting firearms, memorabilia, curios or relics, or signalling pistols
- Any component part of firearms
- Assault weapons, their related parts or accessories
- Replica, "look-alike" or imitation firearms
- Any items related to short-barrelled shotguns or short-barrelled rifles, fully automatic weapons, large-capacity magazines, multi-burst trigger activators and camouflaging firearm containers
- Any item that is designed to discharge any shot, bullet or other missile
- Gun parts, including, but not limited to:
- Barrels
- Choke tubes
- Cylinders
- Firing pins
- Frames, including grip frames, or components or parts thereof
- Magazines, regardless of capacity
- Receivers, including components or parts, upper or lower, cut, or 80 per cent receivers
- Slides
- Trigger assemblies
- Any listing for a firearm accessory which contains a picture of the firearm itself
- Silencers
- Short barrels
- Converters (items that can be used to give a firearm automatic firing capability)
- Firearm kits that are used to create a firearm
- Flash suppressors
- Sound suppressors
- Laser scopes
- Telescopic sights
- Reloading presses and equipment
- Sears
- Zip guns
- Any illegal firearm-related items
- Firearms accessories - parts of a firearm which may enhance or increase the operational efficiency or accuracy of a firearm but will not constitute any of the major or minor internal parts thereof
Replica, "Look-alike" or other imitation firearms
Replica, "look-alike" or imitation firearms cannot be listed.
- Miniature gun lighters or miniature toy guns for action figures, unless they appear to be full size
Not allowed
- Any listing for a firearm accessory which contains a picture of the firearm itself
- Cap guns
- Replica firearms
- Replica blaster kits
- Miniature gun lighters or miniature toy guns for action figures which appear to be full size
Hand weapons
Some hand-to-hand combat weapons and martial arts weapons can't be listed. See the list below, as well as the Knives section, for more details.
- Instruction or training manuals on how to use hand weapons
- Wii Nunchuk controllers for the Nintendo Wii
- Training or practice batons, night sticks, nunchakus, or tonfas that are produced and identified as a children's toy
Not allowed
- Any offensive weapon as defined by relevant law, including but not limited to kung fu sticks or nunchakus
- Any bladed, pointed or blunt weapons, including but not limited to:
- Knife
- Spear
- Pana
- Dagger
- Bolo
- Barong
- Kris
- Chako
- Side-handled baton, extendable or telescopic baton
- Knuckle-dusters
- Sap or studded gloves
- Whips entirely or partly comprised of any metal, or that consist of any number of knotted lashes (including whips known as "cat-o'-nine-tails")
- Hunting slings or catapults
- Any flail, mace or any article that consists of a club or staff fitted with a flanged or spiked head
- Any instrument, device or equipment that administers an electric shock on contact, including patrolites, stun guns, control clubs or tasers
- Slingshots
- Brass or other metal knuckles
- Leaded canes/staffs/crutches/sticks
- Zip guns
- Shurikens
- Hand grenades or metal replica hand grenades
- Throwing stars and other throwing weapons that have 3 or more points or sharp edges
- Billy clubs/batons
- Sandclubs
- Sandbags
- Any whip manufactured from bicycle or motor cycle chains or from any similar kinds of chainwork or slingshots (also known as saps or blackjacks)
Knives are generally permitted to be listed on eBay, subject to the exceptions outlined below.
Not allowed
- Any push dagger or any other device that consists of a single-edged or multi-edged blade or spike that has a handle fitted transversely to the blade or spike and allows the blade or spike to be supported by the palm of the hand
- Any trench knife or any other device that consists of a single-edged or multi-edged blade or spike that is fitted with a handle made of any hard substance that can be fitted over the knuckles of the hand of the user
- Any flick knife (or other similar device) that has a blade which opens automatically by gravity or centrifugal force or by any pressure applied to a button, spring or device in or attached to the handle of the knife
- A ballistic knife that propels a knife-like blade of any material by any means other than an explosive
- A knife that has a blade cover which withdraws into its handle by gravity or centrifugal force or through pressure being applied to a button, spring or device attached to or forming part of the knife
- A butterfly knife or "balisong" or any other device that consists of a single-edged or multi-edged blade or spike that fits within 2 handles attached to the blade or spike by transverse pivot pins and is capable of being opened by gravity or centrifugal force
- A star knife or any other device that consists of a number of angular points, blades or spikes disposed outwardly about a central axis point and that are designed to spin around the central axis point in flight when thrown at a target
- Any knife-like instrument with three sharp edges and a sharp pointed tip, sometimes known as a "bearing-scraper"
- Belt buckle knives, lipstick case knives, air gauge knives, handwriting pen knives
- Any sword, kris, parang or other knife which on any part of it is written, embossed, inscribed with or which otherwise bears any verse, word or character connected with or relating to any religion or belief
- Machetes or, axes, sickles, bearing scrapers, spears, bayonets, iron rods.
- A walking stick or cane that contains a sword or any other single-edged or multi-edged blade or spike
- Any article or device that disguises and conceals within it, a single-edged or multi-edged blade or spike of any length or of any material
- Switchblade knives: any knife that resembles a pocket-knife with a blade that can be released automatically or by use of a trigger. Other names for switchblades include spring-blade knife, snap-blade knife, gravity knife, and butterfly knife.
- Arrows (not sporting equipment)
Other weapons
- Sporting archery equipment such as bows and arrows
Not allowed
- Items, regardless of category, that are described as a weapon without a clear indication in the item title of what the actual product is
- Anti-personnel devices including any acoustic, spray or light-emitting device that is designed to cause incapacitation or disorientation, including tear gas or pepper sprays
- Noxious gases or noxious substances
- Blow guns and blowpipes, including darts used with these
- Crossbows
- Dart guns
- Flares, flare guns, flare launchers or receivers for flare guns
- Handcuffs other than antique handcuffs, or children's toy handcuffs
- Potato guns such as bazookas, cannons or launchers
- Spear guns
Why does eBay have this policy?
For safety concerns and in order to follow laws and regulations, we restrict the kinds of weapons and accessories that can be sold on eBay. Be sure to follow all laws and regulations—as well as eBay policies—before buying or selling these items.