Surya Rugs & Carpets

Surya Rugs and Carpets

Surya designs a wide array of home decor, from rugs and bedding to lamps and wall art. Surya rugs and carpets are some of the items offered by the brand, designed for use in hallways, bedrooms, living rooms, and outdoor areas. Their products are available in a variety of sizes, colors, patterns, and materials.

What hide, leather, and fur styles does Surya offer?

Surya offers a wide array of rugs that incorporate genuine hides, leathers, and furs. A few of these include:

  • Full hide: These Surya rugs incorporate the full hide shape.
  • Patterned: This variety by Surya incorporates leather or hide with other materials into the carpet. Patterns can include Hines peaks, floral patterns, and many more.
  • Woven: Many of these Surya rugs utilize wool, furs, and flexible leathers that are woven to create a complete rug.
What are Surya natural fiber rugs made of?

Suryas natural fiber rugs are made of a large number of materials, such as seagrass, art silk, cotton, jute, polyester, various wools, and more. Many of these Surya rugs are knotted or woven by hand for a distinct braided texture. They may also be reversible.

What outdoor rugs does Surya make?

Surya also makes rugs for outdoor spaces. Some of the materials that make up these rugs include polypropylene, acrylic, and polyester. They can be helpful in outdoor spaces because you usually just need to rinse them off with water to clean them.

How do you clean a Surya area rug?

Cleaning your area rug often is important to keep it in good condition, remove dirt, and keep the floor beneath the rug in good shape. Here are a few basic care tips for your Surya rug:

  • Vacuum: Vacuum your area rug often to remove any fur, hair, dirt, and other debris.
  • Wash: Some of their rugs can be treated with a steam cleaner or hand washed using specialized shampoo in an outdoor space. Shampoo the area rug according to the carpet shampoo directions, and let the area rug dry completely before returning it to the floor. Some rugs, such as oriental carpets and wool or hide area rugs, may be sensitive to steam cleaning or water, so read therugs care instructions closely. Keep in mind that you may also need to shape the material before it dries, as with wool rugs.
  • Stain treatment: Blot the stain without rubbing the material, and use a vinegar-and-water solution to clean the stain.
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