Sony Bravia T Con Board

Tips for Buying Sony Bravia T-con Boards

If you need a higher degree of control of your Sony Bravia television, including tightening up the device's resolution, you might want to replace the T-con board. Search through eBay's assortment of affordable Sony Bravia T-con boards to help you find the right unit.

Which devices are compatible with these Sony Bravia T-con boards?

These T-con boards are compatible with a wide variety of Sony Bravia TVs. Sony has been making Bravia TVs for a long while, and there are dozens of different iterations of their HDTV. Because of this, it's crucial you ensure that the board you're most interested in is compatible with your Sony Bravia TV. Here are some of the most widely available TV model numbers available on eBay:

  • KDL-46Z4100
  • KLV-32S400A
  • FWD-75X850D
  • XBR-75X850D
  • KDL-65W850A
Are there different models of Sony Bravia T-con boards available?

There are many different styles of new and used Sony Bravia T-con boards available on eBay. Below are some of the more prominent models:

  • Multi-control boards: Used for upscaling different resolutions. These boards allow you to enjoy 720p video signals with quality relative to 1080p signals.
  • 4K boards: Boards for displaying ultra-HD image quality. 4K signals are four times as intense as their nearest competition, 1080p.
  • Cover boards: Used to protect already installed boards from debris and heat.
  • Full-HD boards: Compatible with 1080p TVs and enables the proper display of full-HD and sub-HD signals.
How does a Sony Bravia T-con board work?

Sony Bravia T-con boards are some of the most crucial pieces of hardware housed on your TV. The T-con is shorthand for TFT controller. Likewise, TFT is an acronym for thin film transistor, which are the design parameters TV manufacturers use to craft the devices. Their thin build and the highly conductive nature of the film surrounding them makes them perfect for use with the complex, microscopic circuits that power your television.

More specifically, these boards are responsible for controlling some of the most frequently overlooked aspects of your TVs image quality. Aspect ratio, for one, is controlled entirely by T-con boards. The hardware is responsible for transmitting the correct horizontal and vertical resolution to your TV's motherboard, which is, in turn, tasked with displaying the image. If you have been having trouble with your TV's image quality or visual fidelity, then one of eBay's T-con boards for Sony Bravia devices might be what you need.

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