Raid Enclosure

Everything You Need to Know About RAID Enclosures

Improve your computer storage system, protect data, and increase overall performance with RAID enclosures. The acronym stands for redundant array of independent disks. There are many options for these electronic devices available on eBay, and the following questions and answers will give you a better idea of how to choose the right affordable RAID enclosure for your needs.

How does a RAID enclosure protect data?

Many shoppers begin looking for a new or used RAID enclosure to protect their data. If data protection is the main feature a shopper is looking for in this type of device, it's vital to choose one that offers redundancy. With a redundant RAID enclosure, the same data is stored on multiple drives all located in the original enclosure. If the drive of the connected computer or laptop fails, you will still have access to the data via one of the other drives located in the enclosure.

What's the maximum number of drives for any enclosure?

How much storage is available in a RAID enclosure is dependent upon vendor specifications and the type of information that's being stored in an enclosure. Other factors influencing how many drives can be used with an enclosure are detailed below:

  • Space for parity
  • Raid levels installed
  • Available usable space and overhead
  • Data compatibility
What's the difference between a hardware and software enclosure?

When shopping for a RAID enclosure, you have two options: a hardware or software RAID enclosure. Each of these devices has different characteristics and uses a unique controller.

  • Hardware RAID: Hardware RAID controllers and enclosures offer advantages. The biggest advantage is in overall performance. Computer users that install this type of device experience fast performance. It is most often used when many computers will use the same storage system.
  • Software RAID: A software RAID enclosure also increases speed and performance of a computer at a lower level. The advantage with this device is that it is less expensive than its alternative. It is often chosen by home computer users that plan to use the device with a single laptop.
What's the main purpose of this device?

The main purpose of a RAID enclosure is to store multiple drives in one location. An external RAID enclosure also increases available storage, has a positive effect on the overall performance of computers, and protects stored data in the case of a total drive failure. The systems allow for some overlay without decreasing the performance of the computer's system. The use of this device eliminates the need for several external storage options because multiple drives can be stored in one device. With this device, users can configure the entire enclosure at the same time.