Quickie Wheelchairs


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Stay Mobile in a Quickie Wheelchair

A Quickie wheelchair can be just what you need if you require some assistance to maintain your lifestyle. The company makes many types of wheelchairs to accommodate those in different situations. You can find a variety of new and used options on eBay.

What are the choices for power wheelchairs?

There are numerous Quickie wheelchairs that rely on a motor instead of manual force to propel itself forward. This can come in handy if you have limited arm strength and/or must travel long distances. The company's wheelchairs come in either rear- or mid-wheel drive. Typically, mid-wheel drive wheelchairs are more maneuverable, so they may be more ideal in smaller, indoor spaces. Rear-wheel drive models may offer a smoother ride, and you may prefer the stability they offer. Examples of models that have these different systems include:

  • Rear-wheel drive: S-636, S-646 SE, P-222 SE
  • Mid-wheel drive: Pulse 6, QM-710, QM-715, QM-720
Lighter Options

If you're looking for a Quickie wheelchair that is smaller and mobile, you can consider their sport and ultra-light models. The sport wheelchairs include those made specifically for the basketball or tennis court. There are some titanium options that provide added strength. Ultra-light models include:

  • Quickie 2 Ultra-light: This foldable unit comes with black anodized chair parts, multiple wheel and caster combinations, and customizable armrests.
  • LXI Ultra-light Wheelchair: With swing in and out footrests, this foldable wheelchair gives the user different options. Its real axles can be adjusted both horizontally and vertically.
  • 5R Ultra-light Rigid Wheelchair: This model has an open frame design and swept axle plate, and it weighs just 21.5 pounds. See the manufacturer site for details.
  • GT Ultra-light Rigid With a lightweight aluminum frame, this model has an easy-to-adjust folding backrest and optional front and rear suspension.
What are choices for pediatric models?

The company makes a handful of wheelchairs designed for children, such as:

  • Zippie Zone: It's made with heat-treated aerospace 7000-series aluminum and has hydro-formed caster housing.
  • Zippie 2: This foldable model has growth capabilities so it can accommodate a child as he or she grows.
  • Zippie TS: It comes with a TrueFit Growth System to better accommodate developing bodies. It also has fold-down backrests and quick-release wheels to make it easier to transport.
  • Quick Zippie GS: It can be driven with one arm if needed, and there are more than a dozen color choices.
  • Zippie Voyage: This wheelchair is WC-19 transit approved. It has a telescoping stroller handle, canopy with mesh window, and an adjustable footrest.