Hydraulic Log Splitters

How to Find the Right Hydraulic Log Splitter

When it comes to splitting wood, the job can be made a lot easier by using a hydraulic log splitter. Hydraulic wood splitters compress logs between metal and a blade to split the wood in half quickly and efficiently. Whether you cut wood every day or just during each cold season, a hydraulic wood splitter might be something you want to check out. To understand how to get the right hydraulic wood splitter for your needs, it is essential to consider the main components of a hydraulic log splitter, the different options available, and what accessories or parts that you may be able to find.

What are the main components of a hydraulic log splitter?

Hydraulic log splitters use a few basic components to load your wood and split it quickly with a large amount of force. The log splitter has an engine, pump, valve, and hydraulic cylinder. Each to these components is attached to a beam, which is what you will set your log on. You simply put your log on the end of the device, fire up the motor, and the cylinder steadily extends a splitter head to split the log.

What differences are found in each hydraulic log splitter?

There are a few things you should pay attention to when comparing the options available. Each hydraulic log splitter is rated for a different amount of log splitting force, which should be specified by the manufacturer. The simplest version of splitter is manual and uses a large lever in conjunction with hydraulic force to split the log. Additionally, some hydraulic log splitters are cordless, as they are gas-powered instead of electrically connected.

The type of split is another thing that can vary between machines. Some will split a log in half, making it a two-way split. Others will split the log into four sections. These are typically referred to as four-way splitters.

What should you consider when choosing a splitter?

Noise, portability, and force are the three main considerations when it comes to choosing a splitter. Larger logs and hardwood will require a stronger splitter than softwood or small to medium-sized pieces. How loud the splitter is should be considered if you are splitting in a neighborhood with noise restrictions. While gas-powered splitters use the most force and are portable, electric splitters tend to be quieter but require access to a power source. Manual splitters are highly moveable but the force is best for smaller logs and softwoods.