Canon Professional Camcorders


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Capture Moments With Canon Professional Video Cameras

Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, Canon produces many types of video cameras and recording devices. The professional camcorder is part of the brand's product line that includes a large variety of digital, still, and SLR models. Zoom is a feature the company incorporates into each model and offers an additional tool to capturing light.

Which Canon cameras have film integration?

The Canon camera uses a common configuration to absorb light reflections, and the same process is used in video configurations that result in a small difference between film and still images. The professional camcorder and its lens are produced to the exact measurements of its intended use, which includes capturing wildlife, monitoring facilities, or filming live performances.

Canon makes many types of film devices, including the following:

  • Cinema EOS models - This camera group is adjusted for film and includes the EOS C700 FF, the ECOS C700, the EOS C300 Mark II, EOS C200, the EOS C300, EOS C300 PL, the EOS C100 Mark II, and the EOS C100.
  • Professional camcorders - The XF405/XF400 introduces a number of camcorder models with microphone, light, and shoulder mounts. That group consists of the XC15, the XC10, the XF305, the XF300, the XF205, the XF200, the XF105, the XF100, the XA35, the XA30, the XA15, and the XA11.
  • Multipurpose cameras - This group can be used for security monitoring and begins with the ME20F-SHN. Each is lightweight-engineered for capturing wildlife, live theater, surveillance, and remote integration.
What features are included on camcorders?

A camera needs to absorb light and then replicate it as a still frame. The professional camcorder uses the same engineering as a photographer's device but converts live images into steady streams of data known as film. Zoom, as used by the Canon brand, picks up images from far away and allows viewers to see them with closer detail.

Some key components of a camera include:

  • Shutter speed - The shutter speed of a camera manages the timeframe used for collecting light. The longer this time is set for, the more light is collected if capturing dark images. Too much time spent capturing light in a highly lit place can distort the image, including on HD camcorders. These measurements begin with 1 to represent a second and its variables like the common time setting of 1/125 for shutter speed.
  • Sensor sensitivity - The Canon lens works with what's called International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that gauges and adjusts the amount of light photographers have to shoot with. This feature can be adjusted in each lens.
  • Aperture - To produce clear images, you will need to increase or decrease the amount of light that enters a lens. The internal diaphragm called the aperture widens and narrows to control the amount of total light.
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