1GB Computer SDR SDRAM

Adding 1GB Computer SDR SDRAM to Your Desktop

Adding 1GB more memory of RAM to your computer is a good way to help it perform better. RAM stands for random access memory, and it assists your computer in carrying out specific functions. There are many types of RAM, including SDRAM and SDR SDRAM.

What is the difference between SDRAM and SDR SDRAM?

SDRAM stands for synchronous dynamic random access memory. The SDR in front of it stands for single data rate. It just means that SDR SDRAM can only transfer a single piece of data at a time. This is different from DDR (double data rate) SDRAM, which can transfer twice as much information.

Whats the difference between SDRAM and other types of RAM?

While there are a lot of RAM types out there, its fairly easy to tell them apart. SDRAM is the only type of RAM that has two notches at the bottom of the card. These two notches keep the RAM from fitting into PC motherboards that dont accept that type of unit. Its a safety lockout precaution that RAM manufacturers use to help prevent damage to your computer.

What is the clock speed of SDRAM?

The speed of the memory depends on the SDR SDRAM itself and not on the GBs. SDR can only accept one piece of transfer data or command per clock cycle. In general, the higher the clock speed, the more expensive the piece of SDRAM. However, PCs benefit from SDRAM with higher clock speeds, which is measured in Mhz. While these clock cycles vary, those for SDR may include:

  • 66Mhz
  • 100Mhz
  • 133Mhz
  • 150Mhz
What does RAM with ECC mean?

When you are considering getting more RAM for your computer, you may come across memory that has ECC in its name. ECC stands for error-correcting code. It refers to memory that has the ability to fix the most common types of data errors that memory typically faces.

What does GB mean when searching for computer memory?

When you search for computer memory, GB refers to gigabyte. It lets you know how much temporary data the memory card can store at one time. For example, 1GB RAM can store 1GB of temporary data. This is equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes or 1000MB (megabytes). When dealing with such large numbers, its easier to use GB. The higher the number, the more temporary data RAM can store at a time. However, the amount of SDRAM that your computer can access depends on the operating system. A 32-bit OS can only access roughly 4GB of RAM at a time. A 64-bit OS, however, can access up to 16 EB (exabytes) of memory at a time.