18-55mm Focal Macro/Close Up Camera Lenses for Canon

Close-Up Photography With Macro Lenses

There are times when you just can't get as close to your subject as you want with a standard prime or zoom lens, which is when it may be time to consider a dedicated macro lens. Allowing you to get up close and intimate with your subjects, macro lenses enhance the magnification of your subject and create highly detailed prints that you can enlarge without becoming pixelated. Macro lenses for Canon EF come with a range of different focal lengths to help you achieve the magnification and close shooting conditions that suit you.

What Is a Macro Lens?

A macro lens is for close-up photography and can typically reproduce objects at up to 0.5x life size on a camera's imaging sensor. Dedicated macro prime lenses often boast even further magnification and can go up to 1.0x, or 1:1, magnification at their closest focusing distances.

  • Once displayed on a screen or enlarged into a print, a macro lens can reveal an incredible level of detail and make tiny objects in the natural world, such as insects or the stamens of flowers, appear on a huge scale.
  • Macro lenses are compatible with different camera brands and lens mount types, such as the Canon EF or L series of lenses with a built-in ultra sonic motor (USM).
  • While most modern macro lenses come with autofocus capabilities, the nature of up-close photography means that you'll also want to be able to fine-tune with manual focus.

What Should You Look for When Buying a Macro Lens?

While most standard zoom lenses offer 0.3x magnification, some prime lenses designated as macro offer 0.5x, while top-of-the-range macro lenses offer 1.0x. For those shooting with an APS-C cropped sensor camera, the magnification effect is even greater, as it increases the telephoto reach of a lens.

  • One of the most important things to consider when buying a macro photography lens is its focal length, since it all comes down to the minimum focusing distance of which the lens is capable. Macro lenses with a longer focal length have a longer minimum focusing distance, resulting in more space between you and the subject you're shooting.
  • Shorter focal lengths require that you're closer to your subject, which is not always possible if shooting nature subjects, and can also result in harsh shadows in your image.
  • Macro lenses with a length of between 90mm and 105mm F2 are among the most preferred, being manageable in both size and weight, but you can also find those with 18-55mm focal lengths.

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